In the Battle

“For we are not contending against flesh and blood, but against the principalities, against the powers, against the world rulers of this present darkness, against the spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.  Therefore take the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.” Ephesians 6:12-13

“(Jesus therefore came forth, bearing the crown of thorns and the purple garment.) And he saith to them: Behold the Man.” John 19:5 

Jesus says, “I was born for this, I came into the world for this, to bear witness to the truth; and all who are on the side of truth listen to my voice.’ 38 ‘Truth?’ said Pilate. ‘What is that?’ And so saying he went out again to the Jews and said, ‘I find no case against him.” John 18:37-38 J

What is “The Battle”?

Let’s look at a few examples of active “Battle”, and not in any particular order:

  1. Hearing voices calling you bad things? Cursing you? Perhaps calling you to do bad things to others & even to yourself?
  2. Having your emotions run the gamut between fire and ice?
  3. Seemingly unable to control your thoughts?
  4. Feeling angry, anxious at the drop of a hat?
  5. Over and over again the same issues ripping your life apart?
  6. Relationship problems that never get resolved?
  7. Family upheavals at the drop of a hat?
  8. Financial difficulties when all things point towards good?
  9. Finding yourself using to drugs, alcohol, pornography to fill yourself?
  10. Not wanting to get out of bed because you don’t want to face the day?
  11. Often afraid & anxious of what might be coming next to knock you down?

Go ahead and add your own struggles to these I’ve listed, there’s no limit on the ways we’re attacked! We can even be attacked by the Demons going after those we love!

It’s before, during and after these attacks, these episodes, we may feel and think we’re abandoned, all alone, just pitiful, thoroughly hated by everyone, perhaps having thoughts of suicide, and maybe a desire to hurt others… to the point of being ready to run away; running directly into some sin that we think will make us feel better! But even if it seems to help, it’s only temporary and we soon find ourselves worse off than before. We must get past reacting to & with feelings and emotions to the point of responding to these attacks with our higher faculties, our intellect! This is where the Lord will direct you.

You see, the Demons will tempt you, perhaps into using those all too familiar temporal Demonic fixes, like New Age, Positive Thinking (manifestation), Witchcraft, potions, crystals, incantations, Reality Shifting, TM, Wicca, Torrid, Voodoo, Occult, Santeria, burning sage and all sorts of other stuff to help?

Doing that sort of stuff, is going in the opposite direction of God.

God the Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, going to them is the only correct direction! The only direction for real life…

Do you want Peace? Then ask for it! As Scripture says in James 4:2: “You do not have, because you do not ask.”

So let’s ask that together, “Father God, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, give me the Gift of Salvation and the Grace of Peace!”

If you said that, you’ve begun the walk towards real Peace, towards salvation… if you didn’t, go back and say it. Say it throughout the day and night., calling upon the Trinity for help.

Simply ask!

What’s next?

Here at “In The Battle”, we shall endeavor to provide teachings, articles, prayers and so on that may assist you in coming into a deeper relationship with the Trinity. To help you know who you are, and most importantly your identity in Christ…

Jesus will help! Jesus is the Answer. Because when you are with the Lord Jesus Christ, it is possible to be at “Peace” even in the most terrible “Battle”, the worst storm, the heaviest threats… because Jesus will help you through it all and because you know that your eternity shall be with Him in heaven.

You are not alone!