Prayer Protocols for One Person
Prayer Protocols for One Person:
This process is to have one engage the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit in daily
life as the intentional focus point. Look at this as a list of importance with the Lord God
at the top of the list, such as:
- God
- Spouse if married
- Family
- Occupation
- Church
- Hobbies
- And so on…
All else comes after our relationship with the Trinity, and so, if we have put anyone or
anything above God, it must move down the list!
By this engagement, we will find our lives being transformed day in and day out. When
praying, remember who it is we are speaking to and to pay attention to the words we
are saying.
*Daily Rosary. Try to make it a habit / routine at some general time. If a couple days per
week it doesn’t work at that time, then look for another time during the day for it… don’t
freak out cause you miss a day due to something unforeseen. You can even use a
recorded version from the internet / iTunes. Make it a ‘joyful’ time and not miserable.
*Angelus three times per day at 6am, noon, 6pm.
*Auxilium Christianorum prayers once a day.
*Confiteor at noon.
*Act of contrition at 6pm.
*Mental Faculty Protection Prayer once per day, more if needed.
*Daily meditation from a reliable source.
*Burning of blessed candles to dispel night terrors or evil presence if needed.
*Use of Gregorian Chant played in background to dispel evil presence if needed.
*Use of blessed bells to dispel evil presence if needed.
*Use of Holy Water to dispel evil presence if needed.
*Use of Exorcised Salt & Water to dispel evil presence if needed.
*Sacrament of Reconciliation every two weeks.
*Counsel with a licensed professional Counselor / Psychologist.
*Spiritual Direction monthly with either Clergy or Certified Spiritual Director.
*Fr. Mike Schmitz Bible in a Year or the Catechism Podcast each day.
The app store has the Auxilium Christianorum free, both android and apple. Make sure
you get the one for Laity and not for Clergy.
Some folks who sleep later than 6a wake up, say the prayer and go back to sleep!
Other items:
*Praying for one member of the family for each day of the week, such as Mom on
Monday, first born on Tuesday, second born on Wednesday and so on.
*Pray the Proverbs 1-31 for each day of the month, such as Proverbs 1 on the 1 st day of
the month, Proverbs 2 on 2 nd day of the month and so on.
*Pray each day of the week against the 7 Capital sins and ask for the Virtue to fight
against each, such as:
- The sin of Pride and respond with the Virtue of Humility.
- The sin of Greed and respond with the Virtue of Generosity.
- The sin of Lust and respond with the Virtue of Chastity.
- The sin of Envy and respond with the Virtue of Kindness.
- The sin of Gluttony and respond with the Virtue of Temperance.
- The sin of Anger and respond with the Virtue of Meekness.
- The sin of Sloth and respond with the Virtue of Diligence.
*Litany of Chastity from Echo Ministry.
*The Spiritual Exercises, St. Ignatius of Loyola.
Add to your prayer life a deeper Contemplative meditative time.