Prayer Against Suicide

The Call to Prayer against suicide:
Prayers against Suicide on the 15 th of each month.
This is a call to all Laity, Religious and Clergy to enter into the battle
against any and all demonic influences of suicide through the unity of
prayer and fasting.
It is appropriate to Fast as the Lord Jesus instructs us in Mark 9:29 “And he
said to them, “This kind cannot be driven out by anything but prayer and
fasting.””… by doing so, we are subduing the ‘flesh’ in order to build up our
“right reasoning” for the Lord.
Y’all are welcome to pray as you can… the following prayers can be used:

  • Our Help is in the Name of the Lord,
    Who made Heaven and Earth
    Father, command that the evil voices calling for suicide be silenced
    Station Your Angelic Hosts around those suffering, confused and in despair
    Command Your Angels to battle the evil ones for the salvation of these
    suffering souls
    Hear our prayers and have mercy upon us
    Father, shine Your light upon those who are struggling for hope,
    hoping for a way out of desolation and despair,
    guide them through the Holy Spirit
    and light their way to Your Son Jesus Christ
    Our Father who art in Heaven
    Hallowed be Thy Name
    Thy Kingdom come
    Thy Will be done
    On earth as it is in Heaven
    Give us today our daily bread
    And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us
    And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil.
    Father, have mercy upon me a sinner and hear my prayer.
    Jesus Christ, You are Lord and Savior
    Holy Spirit, drown out the terrors of this world and make known to us
    Father, silence the voices of the evil ones who speak lies into our hearts

Jesus Christ, You have saved us from the terrors of Hell
Holy Spirit, show us our meaning
Father, give us the Grace of hope
Jesus Christ, it is by the gift of Your yoke that we can endure and
persevere in this life
Holy Spirit, Light our hearts on fire with the sound of angels praising the
Father, send Your angels to defend us from the evil ones
Jesus Christ, Your life here is the light of Faith we desire
Holy Spirit, speak love to us all
Father, I submit my life to You
Jesus Christ, I proclaim that you are God
Holy Spirit, comfort our hearts both in times of plenty as well as times of

Short version of the prayer:
Father, have mercy upon me a sinner and hear my prayer.
You are the Lord and Savior
drown the terrors of this world and make known to us salvation
silence the voices of the evil ones who speak lies into our hearts
You have saved us from the terrors of Hell
show us our meaning
give us the Grace of hope
it is by the gift of Your yoke that we can endure and persevere in this life
Light our hearts on fire with the sound of angels praising the Father
send Your angels to defend us from the evil ones
Your life here is the light of Faith we desire
speak love to us all
I submit my life to You
I proclaim that you are God
comfort our hearts both in times of plenty as well as times of want

Please share this prayer with others.
You are not alone In The Battle…
Nor those who are suffering.