“What is Truth?”
It begins as a question in the hearts of all people, whether or not they admit to it. This desire, this quest to discover truth has been knitted into each of us.
Let’s start at the beginning, the place where each of us notices the small voice in our hearts, the itching in a place that we can’t reach or see, something calling to us to come to it…
Here we are and here we move burning for answers, we act often without guidance, without sense, with our learned knowledge and sometimes the addition of a friends advice. Ah, the folly of man…
For just as there is Truth, there is the opposite out there, the lie.
And the lie may come through our own voice or listening to the king of lies, Satan. We accept the lie, believe the lie, travel the road of the lie and allow the devil to enter into our mind body soul and spirit, we become divided. Our mind becomes ill. Our decisions become tainted with the lie.
And so for many of us, it’s off we go on a journey to uncover the mystery of self by our own efforts and looking to the world for eternal truth. Again, folly. As we continue this quest for Truth, the world proposes numerous choices, roads that lead near and far, yet the world only offers fleeting moments of solace, for it is not the ‘truth’ we desire whole heartedly, and we know it deep inside. We remain ‘thirsty’.
Throughout this journey the enemy has laid traps of distraction, isolation, discouragement, wealth, and so on. Our emotions, eyes and senses become fixated on those false shiny & pretty fantasies… a road to keep us from the truth. But the reality is that nothing can be more lovely, more lifegiving, more intense with Joy than a life of truth following the Lord. Many just don’t realize truth is right before them, waiting. This is a point why the Lord gave the Great Commission in Matthew 28:16- 20, specifically “Go therefore and make disciples…”. Where there are traps, we who have Faith shall await those who search, we shall direct them to the Lord for He is the answer. It is incumbent upon us to not only walk the road of the truth, but to lead others to such! This is the Commission for all believers, and so get on it!
And we are lead back to the words spoken by Pontius Pilate, what is truth, this is more of a statement than it is a question, at least for those who have faith, who believe in Jesus Christ. We who hold to the truth, know, and the question becomes a statement of Faith. These words point to the Lord giving Himself for our salvation, His free gift, His desire to have us return home and be with Him.
Truth, the simplicity of such defies being defined by creation and submits itself to only being the Creator.
Thus, the Father is Truth, Jesus Christ came and delivered Truth, the Holy Spirit remains and is Truth, active and without compromise…
Our hearts were made by Truth, for Truth and subject to know that which is not. All sin begins in the mind and the mind is made for Truth; so when we go to the lie, we deny Truth and we become twisted, separated from God, double-minded. We form a belief that is false, leading us deeper into the land of lies. Trying to cope with the first lie, we continue with lie after lie in order to justify ourselves. All the while the devil throws more and more at us, temptation, condemnation, tempt and condemn, that’s all he’s got. Yet at any point during this sinfest, we can escape, we just need to turn to the Lord and say as the tax collector did in Luke 18, “Oh God, be merciful to me, a sinner”. If that’s what you need to do now, say it… and say it again tomorrow and the next day! We all need mercy. This is why the Great Commission is given, each day, and we must respond!
People need to hear about the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit… go and tell them, today, tomorrow, until the end of the age.
There is Truth. There is hope. There is Joy. His Name is Jesus Christ.
Do not live life passively! Live the active Truth!
“Go therefore and make disciples…”
From St. John Paul II Fides et Ratio: “Faith and reason are like two wings on which the human spirit rises to the contemplation of truth; and God has placed in the human heart a desire to know the truth—in a word, to know himself—so that, by knowing and loving God, men and women may also come to the fullness of truth about themselves (cf. Ex 33:18; Ps 27:8-9; 63:2-3; Jn 14:8; 1 Jn 3:2).”
You are not alone In The Battle…