Demons of Masonry

There are three demons specifically mentioned in the Masonic rituals, and they are noted as being assassins. It is also noted that to control mankind they use witchcraft and greed.
I am very familiar with these three as they befriended me before I entered my teenage years. They would become my teachers for well over a decade. They are called the Demon of Law, the Demon of Property, and the Demon of Religion. From my actual
experiences will I draw my conclusions and write of such.

Some of the attacks used by these three include but are not limited to the following:
They desire you to hate humans.
They desire you to think yourself above all others thus seeing everyone else as
beneath you.
They desire you to be drawn to pornography, masturbation, and deviance.
They desire you to separate yourself from everyone who seeks holiness.
They desire you to see that people are nothing more than an annoyance and burden.
They desire you to kill yourself.
They desire you to kill others without remorse, emotion or feeling, yet they promote living life by how one emotionally feels through the continued gaslighting by opposite speaking.
They desire you to see and live life only through feelings and emotions instead of Right Reasoning and Faith.
They desire you to lock yourself away and interact with nothing.
They desire you to see yourself as a problem to those you know love you.
They desire you to ignore the Truth and only give ear to them.
They desire you to pray without Faith, Hope or an expectation of Joy.
They desire you to deny Hope.
They desire you to live a life of unfounded dread, fear, and negativity.
They desire you to condemn and see bad in all situations, things, and people.
They desire you desecrate yourself, for you are a Holy Temple.
They desire you to abandon your physical, spiritual, and mental health by continuous self-condemnation and self-hatred.
They desire you to seek false consolation while being separated from others by playing games, endlessly staring at the internet social media and stories and videos, rather than engaging in life.
They desire you to see only the aches and pains of your body and not the strength, beauty and artistry that God built into each of us.
They desire you to make everything a secret out of fear of others and the unknown.
They desire you to see God the Father as an uncaring old fool.
They desire you to have no relationship with the Father, the Son, or the Holy Spirit because that will weaken their control of your thoughts.
They desire to keep the inspiration of God upon your life hidden from you by

They desire you to see the false narrative that all life is pointless and wasteful rather than the proper first step in our journey to the Father; and that includes both laughter and tears.
They desire you to believe you are an angel or have been reincarnated or have some great task that has been specifically given to you by God that only you can accomplish.
They desire you to believe in the Trinity, but that they are and will be the only
emissaries to you while you are on this desolate planet with these filthy stupid humans.
They desire you to believe you are a creature unlike others, made by God to do His work, and you are so much more important, intelligent, and worthwhile than humans.
They desire you to believe you have special powers given by God to complete the task given.
They desire you to never speak to anyone of what you hear in your thoughts, see with your mind, experience with your being as you may be considered mentally ill.
They desire you to get in a pattern of desolation, hopelessness, and destruction which you come to believe is all that there is in life.
They desire you to think that your only escape from this world that they describe as being a useless unending place of pain and depression is to deny the real world and enter their reality or to commit suicide.
They desire to steal all that God has in store for you.
They desire to kill you and your family.
They desire to destroy you and your family.
They seek every avenue for your demise.

Here are some specifics of each demon as I have learned:

The Demon of Law – is a creature most cunning & wise. It can argue, much like an attorney, in a blindingly manipulative manner. It aims to twist the Truth of reality and the Truth of identity so people abandon the foundation that God has given. The purpose is to confuse, confound and simply destroy the foundation of Truth so that relativism rules a person… thus a person persistently sees themself as just a lump of flesh and organs and bones, useless ugly, without meaning.

The Demon of Property – is a creature of false pride and greed. It takes something that is knitted into our hearts by God, that being the good desire to ‘protect’, and turns it upside down (opposite) through every means possible. ‘Protect’ becomes ‘possess’ and no longer is it the purpose of a person to be a steward of a person, place, or thing, but rather the possessor of a person, place or thing. This is much like Adam and Eve who were placed into the Garden to be stewards of such, and then when their minds were twisted by the whiles of the devil, they desired to ‘possess’ the fruit of the tree, the knowledge of the tree. They abandoned the safety of God’s command and made the choice to turn away from Him, they chose death over life.

The Demon of Religion – is a creature of false worship. It tries to turn our innate desire to love and serve God towards someone or something else. In this manner of manipulation, we abandon our connection to God. Our connection to God is through right reasoning and the senses of sight, smell, hearing, taste and touch. The demon will promote worship of ones own self, thoughts and desires, thus making it easier to commit sin, the same recurring sin over and over again, only to condemn you after.

Should you find yourself in need of renouncing Masonry and the curses associated, these demons may have been very present in your life and also the life of your family.
I’ve seen the use of the long Renunciation prayer over the course of three sessions to be most beneficial.
While this prayer is efficacious for many, there are times in which some must have the curses and seals broken as well. Find Clergy that has the proper faculties and is familiar with such things to assist in these matters.
As for now and the future, you can make the choice to change from the path that these anti-Christ creatures desire you to follow… they aren’t God, and they do not possess His power.

If you make the choice to change from the path they want for you, the primary action necessary is often for you to do the opposite of what they may entice you to do.
What does that mean?
If they promote you to condemn someone, simply lift that person up instead, see the good in them and pray for them.
If they promote you to hurt or desecrate yourself, simply thank the Lord for yourself and do something nice for you.
If they call you to look at crap on the internet and distract you from what you should be doing, simply pray a Rosary and ask for Mercy.
I could go on, but hopefully you see the good pattern that you should be engaged in.

As said before, I know these creatures well for these are the ones who once
possessed me. These are the thoughts and desires that they promoted to me, and I believed them.
It is their desire to possess you, to have you accept them in their lies.
You do have the power and authority to say no and to kick them out of your life.
Say ‘No’ to them and your life will change for the better.

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