Short Version:

+ Our help is in the Name of the Lord
Who made heaven and earth
The terrors of Hell are not for me
I need not fear
I need not fear the darkness
I need not fear the unknown
I need not fear the evil ones
I need not fear the voices of doom at night
I need not fear what today has in store
I need not fear what tomorrow will bring
I need not fear my sins of the past for I have repented and been forgiven
I fear the Lord and give Him praise
I walk in faith that He is Lord and has won the war
I stand in faith that He is Lord and will guide me in the battle
I hunger for faith to grow in my heart
I long in faith for the moment I shall see Him face to face
I grow in faith by His promise to always be with me until the end of this age
The terrors of Hell are not for me
+ Let it be done unto me according to Your Word

Long Version:

+ Our help is in the Name of the Lord
Who made heaven and earth
Lord hear my prayer
The terrors of Hell are not for me -Lord have mercy
I need not fear -Christ have mercy
I need not fear the darkness -Lord have mercy
I need not fear the unknown -Christ have mercy
I need not fear the evil ones -Lord have mercy
I need not fear the voices of doom at night -Christ have mercy
I need not fear what today has in store -Lord have mercy
I need not fear what tomorrow will bring -Christ have mercy
I need not fear my sins of the past for I have repented and been forgiven -Lord have mercy
I fear the Lord and give Him praise -Christ have mercy
I walk in faith that He is Lord and has won the war -Lord have mercy
I stand in faith that He is Lord and will guide me in the battle -Christ have mercy
I hunger for faith to grow in my heart -Lord have mercy
I long in faith for the moment I shall see Him face to face -Christ have mercy
I grow in faith by His promise to always be with me until the end of this age -Lord have mercy
The terrors of Hell are not for me
+ Let it be done unto me according to Your Word

Novena to

The Choir of Virtues

Novena to

The Father, Son & Holy Spirit

Prayers for Divine Protection of the Mental Faculties

The Terrors of Hell are Not for Me

Prayer Protocols

Additional Resources