Lead a Horse to Water?

I’ve got a saying from my old days at the brickyard, “You can lead a horse
to water, but all you can do is drown it.” My wife would always get on me when I’d say this… and I couldn’t figure out why until one day I asked her to explain her understanding. Well it seems that she thought I was implying that one is just to simply drown the horse every single time… but that’s not the point! The point is to lead the horse to the water, and then back off! Get out of the way, let nature take its course, allow the horse to engage…
Common sense tells us that if we shove the head of the horse into the
water, it may not drink, it may, we don’t know and we don’t have to know… yet, if we do continue to hold its head under the water, it surely will drown. Put this into the perspective of the ‘water’ being Jesus Christ & Christianity; We can and should lead one another to the Lord, but it’s not up to us to force Him upon someone. We are to simply invite them to the “well” for that is the place to drink “living water” Jn 4:7-15.
Sometimes in the battle, while we’re to be zealous, we shouldn’t obsessively act contrary to the Nature of God… don’t be violent, don’t gossip, don’t get in front of the Lord thinking we know what’s best. And ya know, this includes pushing one under the water ‘for their own good’! How many times have we heard that, or done it to others much less having experienced it ourselves. The truth is that the Lord has commissioned all of His believers to go out, baptize, heal the sick, drive out demons, bring the good news… not drown someone. We’re supposed to get out of the way of the Lord so he can supernaturally work with all of us.
The Father, in Jesus Christ, through the Holy Spirit is the one who is the
‘water’, we just offer the invitation to drink. Simply point to the Lord, He will change hearts. Each one of us must make our own decision for salvation every moment of the day as we choose to follow Jesus, or not.
We are all ‘works’ in progress… practicing Christians.
You are not alone In The Battle…